What to expect, commitments, and ground rules.

The intention.

The goal of the course is to bring awareness to frequently unaddressed aspects of leadership. The focus is on bringing awareness, not on retaining every piece of information in each session. This greater awareness will shift how you lead over time.

There is a specific focus on how you relate to yourself as a leader, your team, the work to be done, and how you make decisions with others. 

In addition, we have packed the course with many tools and techniques that you can apply immediately. We provide follow-on materials with these tools.

Ground rules.


Respect confidentiality.

In the spirit of openness we don’t have a blanket rule of confidentiality for the whole course. There are times when it will be more relevant to keep things between the group you’re sharing with, at this point simply request confidentiality.

Camera on.

Online interactions make it harder to build trust and rapport between strangers. It’s not impossible, but it takes more time and effort. One way to ease this process is to have our cameras on for each workshop.

Sessions won't be recorded.

It is easier to be vulnerable and open when you’re not being recorded. This also removes the temptation to not attend and catch up later. Each workshop has handouts for later referral and we will share the slide deck afterwards.

Be fully present.

Your wisdom, participation, and perspective are essential to the course. This is why it’s important to show up as fully as you can. Avoid checking emails, taking calls, or messaging during workshops.

Time commitment.

There is a minimum requirement of 2hrs each week for the 6 weeks. This involves simply attending the live workshops. You will get a good amount of value from this.

To get the most from the course we recommend that you also take on the pre-work and homework assignments. This involves time to communicate with an accountability partner, and also 1 - 2 hours of reflection time and experiment work each week.

So the minimum is 2hrs per week, and the recommended time roughly 4hrs per week.