I work with leaders and teams to decentralise authority and support individual growth at work.

Future Leaders training

Join us for six online workshops and learn how to skilfully distribute authority.

Jonathan Lewis - Facilitator

Jonathan Lewis


As a senior leader in a tech company for 9 years, I led a broad culture change initiative based on self-organisation. I’m a certified scrum master and I’m trained in authentic relating techniques and non-violent communication. I’ve led group coaching and peer-learning workshops across Europe and North America with Fortune 500, FTSE 100, and Federal Government organisations.

I’ve worked as a software developer, project manager, commercial leader, scrum master, and coach.

“…There was formality and structure, but there was also space to be flexible. He challenged us to think outside of our biases and dig deep to get to the root of issues and needs that our respective organizations might be facing. He made it a safe place for all of us to be open.

That kind of leadership and coaching requires authenticity and passion. Jonty has that in spades. ”

— Sarah Chadwick
Director, Employee Communications
BAE Systems Inc.

My approach

I start with curiosity, and invite you to join with me in listening for what a person, team or product needs to become. Rather than impose a fixed solution (which may have worked elsewhere, but not necessarily here) I bring the specific tools, principles, and ideas that are most helpful right now.

Often we start where the pressure is felt the most. 

  • “Jonty excels at leading attendees in thoughtful self-reflection to help them discover their own solutions through his people-first facilitation style.”

    — Sarah DiPasquale
    Manager, Member Experience
    Goodwill Industries International

  • "Jonty is a passionate individual who challenges preconceived notions to explore workplace culture. He will help heighten your creativity so you can craft innovative solutions to create an environment that truly supports and empowers people around you."

    — JC Parisé
    Senior KM Specialist
    World Bank

  • “Jonty is a naturally gifted leader and facilitator. He has an uncanny knack for understanding a group dynamic and using the right combination of the right tools and questions to lead deeply productive discussions. His curiosity and calm approach coupled with deep professional experience and insights are insanely valuable. I always look forward to working with Jonty and benefiting from his thought leadership and partnership.”

    — Gordon McKie
    Director, Content Platforms

Contact me if you...

  • are implementing agile practices in your organisation

  • need to run better meetings

  • are exploring new ways of working

  • need more useful creativity in leadership development

  • want to change your culture

  • are on the journey to self-organising

“ Jonty is a terrific, energetic leader, who brings more than the usual skills to the table -- his interest is not only in how to make the work better, but also how we can create the kind of workplace that we all want to experience -- one of thoughtful ideas, respect for every human involved, and a place where progressive goals and accomplishments are celebrated. I always walked away from our meetings energized and full of new insights about my work, my team, and myself. ”

— Margaret Cerilli, Assistant Vice President, Putnam Investments